Friday, April 27, 2012

So blessed

I have the most amazing 7 year old daughter in the world! She blows me away all the time, but she especially blew me away tonight. She has been so supportive of me and what I'm doing, she is truly my #1 cheerleader. She keeps telling me that she is "in this with me" and we are "in this together" and how she is "so proud of me". Tonight I was SO hungry, because I haven't been juicing enough today. We were on our way to her dress rehearsal for her acting showcase tomorrow morning and of course we were in a rush so I had to stop to get her something to eat. I told her I want her to eat healthy as she can and asked her to try a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a kids meal at the drive thru. She was hesitant but then said, "mom, if you can drink juice for 11 days, I can eat grilled chicken instead of a cheeseburger". I just love her! So, she did! I ordered her grilled chicken on a whole wheat bun, a fruit parfait, and milk. Then later tonight we had to go to the grocery store to get things for the house for her dinners and lunches. Well, she always gets a free cookie at the bakery when we go to the grocery store, but not tonight! She said, "mom, I'm not getting a cookie". I was in shock. I asked her "why?" and told her she could get a cookie if she wanted. And she said "no, I am in this with you mom. I may not be juicing, but I can eat healthy". Wow again! And as we walked down each aisle, her and I made healthy choices together for her breakfast, lunches, and dinners. Now mind you, I do usually feed her pretty healthy, at least for breakfast and lunch. Dinners seem to be the only thing I am pretty lacking in as far as healthy meals. But I was able to find healthy meals to make for her dinners and she is excited about trying them.  I told her that she needs to start getting her taste buds ready because when I can eat again, things are going to be very different around the house as far as how we eat and what we eat. On the way home she proceeded to tell me just how proud she was of me and started listing off all the people who are proud of me and she really blessed my heart tonight. So, today was a struggle, I almost quit, I almost ordered a chicken sandwich, I almost took a bite of cheese from the cheese sticks we bought at the store, and I almost ate some grilled chicken at home, but I didn't. I was feeling like I can't do this, its just too hard, I am done...but those words of encouragement and her wisdom brought things back into perspective for me. God totally used her to bless me today. She even preached to me. When I was ready to stop off and get something to eat she said "Mom, Satan is tempting you, don't let him tempt you". Wow...she is so wise, God bless her and her wisdom. I am beyond blessed to be her mom. And tonight in our prayer time together, I thanked God for her and for her encouragement and wisdom and for allowing me to be her mommy. I want to be here a long time, to watch her grow and see what God does through her precious life. She is so strong, wise, and smart...I can't believe God gave her to blessed am I? I just had to share this because tonight truly was one of those moments where I wanted to just throw in the towel and forget this juice fast and quit. But, I can't quit. And its not like I would be a failure if I did, I have come a long way and I feel I could start incorporating a healthy lifestyle since I am craving healthy foods now. But its about not giving up just because its too hard, and its about following through on something I have set out to do. So, thank you Jesus for using my daughter to speak truth, love, wisdom, and encouragement to me tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Noel is such a blessing she is so beyond her years in wisdom and faith. I know God speaks through her.
    She is the extra added strength you need!
