Tuesday, January 29, 2013

M.I.A on the blogging

Well I have been M.I.A. for a while now, and sad to say I have not continued down a path of healthy eating and fitness since ending my juicing fast last summer. I kept with the changes for a while, but my poor habits eventually came back. I kept off maybe 10 lbs of the 30 or so lbs that I lost. Lately I have had some issues with my thyroid and also diagnosed with low iron. Those two things combined with my bad back have left me with a desire to start juicing again. I don't believe I will attempt another 30 day fast, but I would like to start adding a few juices to my day just for starters and then do a small juice fast just for detox purposes and to help with my back pain. I know its a difficult road, but when I think of being relieved of my back pain, it gives me that extra motivation. I have a few friends that have started to incorporate juicing into their diet and its nice to have friends to do this with. I alsi really miss blogging, for some reason I stopped, I think because I strictly dedicated this blog to my juicing fast. I realize now that I don't have to just blog about juicing, I can use this blog for general purposes too, jhst to write about the typical things, the good and not so good, whatever may be on my mind. So, I am back. Some days I may post about my health status and diet/exercise routine and some days I may post about something that has nothing to do with health. I just miss putting my thoughts down. I always used to journal throughout my teen and young adult years...once I had a baby I stopped updating my journal as often as I used too, so this is a good way to start back. As my blog states. "In Him, I can" I still cling to that promise. I don't cling to it everyday although I know it to be true. That promise is true in every aspect of my life, so I will still keep that the title of my blog as a reminder to myself and others that the power is not within me, but in Christ alone. Thanks for reading!

Random Photo: Palm trees make me happy! I took this photo recently while in Hollywood, Fl. It is beautiful there, just as beautiful as South Beach but less crowded and touristy, but had plenty to do there as well.

1 comment:

  1. get it girl! God empowered you with birth with everything you need to start this and His power will give you the rest. :)
