Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 8 of juicing!

Today is day 8 since I started my veggie and fruit juicing. I can't believe it's been a week. The first few days of juicing I thought "what have I gotten myself into" and didn't think I would be able to make it 10 days. Now, I'm on day 8 and although I am feeling a bit weary about juicing all the time and shopping so often for produce, I am feeling accomplished and proud for sticking to something I set out to do. It feels very rewarding. So, as a treat for myself for making it a week, I bought myself some Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness Juice and enjoyed that throughout the day and got a Naked fruit juice smoothie that I enjoyed as well! I don't recommend doing those on a regular basis, but it's nice to have as a treat or if you are on the go and can't juice where you are at, or if you just need a break from juicing every meal. I am so happy to know this option is available, they tasted great and were quite filling!


  1. YUM! I think I may go buy some of these today.Great idea Dee!
    I can keep some here as a "softball treat" lol.
    I love you friend and am praying for you every step of the way!
    - Amy

  2. thank you Amy! Looking forward to a softball treat :) Love you too

  3. Dee, You dont have to juice every meal. You can juice only in the morning or night before and do enough to fill up a pitcher. That is what my husband and I do, we only have to use the juicer once a day doing that. God bless you, I am in this struggle with you.
